
The sense of community has made me a better writer.  I cannot say that I would have written for 31 straight days if it wouldn’t have been for the daily comments posted by dedicated slicers.  This experience makes me even more of a believer in feedback. Specific, positive, meaningful.  Words from complete strangers made all the difference. Hoping to replicate this feeling of community with my own students in reading, in writing, in life.

Thank you SOL for a really cool authentic writing experience!




Is amazing how much we do, think, and say that involves the little people in our lives.

I love how I can share so much and get so much in return.

I am a better teacher and person because of these two.

I hope everyday I can embrace the crazy and celebrate the love.

I am thankful for being a mom.

closer than yesterday.

As I read through my Twitter feed tonight, I stumbled upon a timely quote:

I may not be there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday.

As I read it, I was reminded of feelings from earlier today that our job as teachers is never done.  We are constantly trying to perfect our practice – reading, learning, collaborating, taking risks.

It can be relentless, leaving us with, “Did I do enough?  Learn enough? Say enough?”

This quote reminded me that in the midst of it all, we need to take a moment to celebrate the small things we do everyday.  Celebrate the trajectory that we are on, and that what we do, even the tiniest of moments, means the world to someone else.

Keep trying.  Keep growing.

It will make a difference.

we love them so.

Almost every evening, my three-year old presents us with a present.

One pillow for daddy, one pillow for mommy.  One stuffed animal for daddy, one stuffed animal for mommy.  One matchbox car for daddy, one matchbox car for mommy.

As the week grows, the visibility of our comforter decreases and the top of our bed begins to resemble the aftermath of a Where the Wild Things Are rumpus.

Although the bed real-estate becomes quite limited as Saturday draws near, we will never turn down a “Mommy, you can sleep with… he’ll keep you safe” contribution.

We love them so.





Today’s Timeline.

The day started with volunteering at the DC Diaper Bank.  G and I help to wrap over 16,000 diapers for families in need.  It was his first time officially volunteering and I was so proud of how much he actually contributed.  He was pretty excited, too 🙂


Part two of our day was delivering a vegetable lasagna to our neighbors.  They are expecting their third boy any day now, so a prepared meal is very much appreciated.  The boys thought it was super fun to deliver the pasta dish via their John Deere wagon.


The day ended with books in bed.  I wasn’t “allowed” to start reading until they finished their reading first.  How this makes my heart melt!


Today’s Milestone.

This warm March morning begged for a walk around our block.

We were up before many of our neighbors, as many houses were still from the night before.  We ventured out with two bikes, two kids, two parents, and one very eager dog.

We set out on the normal route with the normal stops.

“Bryson, stop at Mr. Bob’s house.”

“Grady stop at Mr.D’s truck.”

But today, as we approached our first stop sign stop, our normal turn in our normal route, my husband declared, “Let’s do the big block.”

The boys were quite eager, and the dog, well she was quite eager, too – What ridgeback would turn down more fresh, neighborhood sniffs?!

So, we ventured off on a new adventure.  Down the hill, up the hill, into a new cul-de-sac, around the big block.

I thought that this was the milestone of the day -new hills and new sidewalks – until our last stop at the light pole.  Grady promptly stopped as he knew to do, but quickly shouted, “I have another tooth loose!”

My husband and I exchanged looks.  Um, there are two loose?

We catch up to his temporary parking spot and look.  Yep, two loose teeth.  But, that still wasn’t the milestone of the day.

What we saw behind the two loose teeth was.

Behind the hanging-on-for-dear-life loose teeth were two, brand-new,  adult teeth, cautiously poking through my big guy’s gums searching for March’s spring light.

And that was the milestone of the day.


Shake it off, Shake if off

The time right after dinner

and before evening baths

while the water is pouring

is the PERFECT moment

for a DANCE party.

That’s right.

*But I keep cruising*

The landing above the first floor

that joins the second floor

in our split-level home

is a PERFECT spot


That’s right.

*Can’t stop, won’t stop moving*

The boys jump and

try out new moves

and laugh, “Mommy, you look weird”

is PERFECT fun

for a DANCE party.

That’s right.

*It’s like I got this music in my mind*

For the music can’t stop, won’t stop

A Friday night fam-night

with pizza, popcorn, and piggy power

is the PERFECT evening

for a DANCE party.

That’s right.

*Saying it’s gonna be alright*


Cause momma’s gonna

dance, dance, dance, dance, dance

Cause boys’ gonna

laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh

*I shake it off, shake it off*

One little question.

When you are

lying in a construction-themed bed,

snuggling next to your soon-to-be kindergartner,

and he is

looking up at you with his deep-set dark brown eyes,

wrapping his arm around you,

and says,

“Mommy, how was your day today?”

The world is pretty perfect.

Halloween’s Leftovers

My youngest in

construction worker goggles

and reflective orange vest,

adorned with a tinfoil-like astronaut helmet

and matching gloves.

Another day in Wonder Woman go-go boots,

an over-sized cowboy hat ,

and Superman costume.

Or a time after bath,

rubber bug rain boots,

Redskins helmet,

and freshly-cleaned birthday suit.


So thankful for a basket of dress-up goodies

in the corner of our playroom.

So thankful to witness the freedom and joy of childhood

in life’s everyday moments.